Anxiety Therapy Can Restore Your Emotional Balance

Emotional balance allows you to feel strong in spirit and maintain a sharp mind.

Anxiety Therapy

Have you ever wondered why people go to the chiropractor? They believe that getting regular spinal manipulations will help them to balance their mental, spiritual, and physical needs. They understand good health is about keeping yourself whole. The key ingredient to any kind of complementary or alternative therapy is balance, and it’s a common goal we see chosen by patients who have been suffering from acute or chronic anxiety. As an adult, you always need emotional balance in order to stay healthy, feel strong in spirit, and maintain a sharp mind. If you seek relief from fears that feel out of control, consider investing your time in anxiety therapy. Fortunately, professional counseling is proven to lessen the effects of anxiety.

What Emotions Can Do to You

It’s easy to argue that we would be happier if we had only positive emotions, but negative emotions keep us safe too. If, when stranded in the wild, you didn’t experience fear when a large rhino was running towards you and then immediately seek shelter, you could get hurt or even killed. The trouble with negative emotions, including fear, is that they may take up too much time if you let them. Ruminating about past events or future events is not healthy. The alternative is a trait of emotionally healthy people. They display the quality of resilience, and, quite often, they feel more able to hold on longer to feelings of happiness. They also know what matters to them and tend to spend more of their time thinking about their goals and purpose in life rather than ruminating about negative thoughts or feelings. Positive people also know that some things are beyond their control and avoid spending excessive time engaging in a “what-if” mindset.

Understanding Your Emotions is Important

Recent research from UCLA revealed when we take time to name emotions for what they are — albeit anger, sadness, or pain – we can reduce our body’s fight-or-flight response to a perceived stressor. This study showed a visible decrease in the brain’s amygdala response once the patient named his or her emotion. Decreased activity in the amygdala meant the emotion was exerting a lesser effect on the brain once it was labeled. While it’s okay to feel strong emotions, even those associated with anxiety, it’s not acceptable to give them excessive power over daily life. If we’re going to live with anxiety, we must reign in our minds so we can get through the day. There’s no point in feeling controlled by fear.

Become More Mindful

While much has been written in recent years about developing the ability to control one’s emotions, there’s also a connection between anxiety therapy and mindfulness. When your mind is overwhelmed with anxiety about what could happen, fears, you can experience various physical signs of anxiety, such as increased heart rate/breathing or sudden onset of a headache. If you use a technique such as relaxed breathing to calm your mind and keep it in the present moment, you will be more mindful. You can prevent fears from taking over, which can also help to reduce or eliminate those physical symptoms caused by being in an anxious state.

Getting Help for Anxiety

While no therapist could claim to permanently eradicate your fears, Mary Shull is a trained professional who can teach you different techniques to control how anxiety affects your day. With your fears and worries under control, you can get more done at work and at home and find more opportunities for relaxation and recreation. You can also have more fun with loved ones and friends because your fears aren’t keeping you home alone with your thoughts. Without fear stopping you, dare to take risks and form new relationships. Find joy in more moments throughout each day!

To schedule an appointment for anxiety therapy, please contact me!

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